How can I be sure God will bring the unfaithful to faith and forgive the
“The Lord will answer you in times of
trouble. The name of the God of Jacob will protect you. He will send you help from His holy
place and support you from Zion.” …
“Now I know that the Lord will give
victory to His anointed king. He will answer him from his holy heaven with
mighty deeds of his power hand. Some rely on chariots and others on horses, but
we will boast in the name of the Lord our God. They will sink to their knees
and fall, but we will rise and stand firm. Give victory to the king, O LORD. Answer
us when we call.” Psalm 20:1-2, 6-9 (God’s
Word, Copyright 1995 by God’s
Word to the Nations Bible Society,
has, through David’s pen; given us the assurance of victory in the LORD’s
anointed king. We know from the New Testament that Jesus is this anointed one
who has come to defeat Satan. The prophesies of Isaiah and David were fulfilled
in Jesus when he came into the world and began His ministry of reconciliation,
cumulating in the defeat of Satan, by Jesus’ death and resurrection.
“The Spirit of the LORD is with me. He
has anointed me to tell the Good News to the poor. He has sent me to announce
forgiveness to the prisoners of sin and the restoring of sight to the blind, to
forgive those who have been shattered by sin, to announce the year of the
Lord’s favor.” Luke 4:18/Isaiah 61:1 (God’s
Word, Copyright 1995 by God’s
Word to the Nations Bible Society,
The victory belongs to Jesus the King
who wins for us the victory over death!
Psalm begins with a promise “The LORD will answer you” and ends with a prayer
“answer us when we call”. At times we have our doubts... and David had his. In
the midst of his struggle David simultaneously asks God for help and promises
those around him that God will indeed help him and those who are depending on
There is a lesson to be learned here. We can ask for God to give us
strength and to rescue us from our fears and doubts knowing full-well that God
can and will deliver us.
Jesus Christ is our deliverer. He has
come. We have nothing to fear. We can BOLDly proclaim what we know to be true.
In Christ our king the victory has been won.
Christ we will receive our hearts desire. Our plans will be accomplished. God
will bless the work we do for Him. We will rejoice in the victory of Christ. We
will raise up the banner of our faith and boldly proclaim the name of the Lord.
Our prayers for others will be heard. God will grant our requests.
Don’t hold back. Proclaim Christ with
confidence. Jesus is Lord!
The victory is His! He is the Lord’s
anointed King. Praise Christ the King! Amen.
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