Title: A
Song of Praise
The king finds joy in your strength, O LORD. What great joy he has in your victory! You gave him his heart's desire. You did not refuse the prayer from his lips. You welcomed him with the blessings of good things and set a crown of fine gold on his head. He asked you for life. You gave him a long life, forever and ever. Because of your victory his glory is great. You place splendor and majesty on him. Yes, you made him a blessing forever. You made him glad with the joy of your presence. Indeed, the king trusts the LORD, and through the mercy of the Most High, he will not be moved. Psalm 21:1-7 (God’s Word, Copyright 1995 by God’s Word to the Nations Bible Society, www.godsword.org)
In reading this Psalm of King David, I
wonder if he was speaking of himself as the king or of God’s “promised one” (Jesus
– The King who would reign on the throne forever.)? Or is he speaking for
everyone who believes in the salvation of the Lord that would come through the
death and resurrection of Jesus Christ?
We know that David is speaking of
eternity and being in the presence of God forever. This certainly is assurance
of salvation that comes from trusting in God for salvation. This is counting on
God to provide and knowing without a doubt that He will deliver and provide a
victory over sin. This is the reflection of one who is living their life
resting in the promises and strength of God, confident that no one in this life
nor anything in death can separate him from the love and care of God.
This is also a prophecy concerning “The
King” who would deliver us from sin and establish His throne in the heavens
forever. This king is Jesus, who died for our sins and rose from the dead to
crush the hold that death had over us. Jesus surrendered to the will of his
Father, and was rewarded with an everlasting crown of glory.
I leave it there or is it also the fulfillment of my prayer?
And what about those who hear the word
of God and come to understand the victory we have been given in Christ? Can
they place their names in the text and claim the Psalm for themselves? Look at
what happen when I replace the word “king” with a personal pronoun? Does this
bring a fresh and personal meaning to the reading?
I find joy in your strength, O LORD. What great joy I have in your victory! You gave me my heart's desire. You did not refuse the prayer from my lips. You welcomed me with the blessings of good things and set a crown of fine gold on my head. I asked you for life. You gave me a long life, forever and ever. Because of your victory my glory is great. You place splendor and majesty on me. Yes, you made me a blessing forever. You made me glad with the joy of your presence. Indeed, I trust the LORD, and through the mercy of the Most High, I will not be moved.
Thank God
for the victory we have in Jesus Christ.
May we BOLDly
proclaim this message to others with the assurance that God will set them free
to sing this Psalm of praise.
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